The Influence of Translation on the Arabic Language

The influence of translation on the Arabic language

This study studied the effects of translation into Arabic, which specialize in the problem of the interpretation of English idioms via the use of journalists working in Arab satellite television stations, and the opinions of lexicographers.  A mixed technique (quantitative and qualitative) has just been used to discover the problem.  A glance at the need to interpret 16 English idioms into Arabic has been attributed to about sixty journalists affiliated with Sudanese satellite TV for PC TV channels.  Literal translation became the most frequently used technique, and the frequency of its use differed throughout the exclusive categories of languages. Les participants avec des niveaux de baccalauréat avaient tendance à utiliser des stratégies de traduction littérale plus que les individus avec des niveaux de maîtrise. La fréquence excessive d'utilisation des traductions littérales était liée à l'incapacité de nombreux idiomes à apparaître dans les dictionnaires d'usage courant. Les lexicographes ont indiqué qu'il y avait matière à amélioration pour incarner des idiomes supplémentaires dans les dictionnaires bilingues et monolingues. Ils ont un impact sur les médias sur l'évolution de l'arabe modifié en montré. Les journaux télévisés arabes et la télévision par satellite pour les chaînes de télévision informatisées devraient être conscients de leurs devoirs dans la voie de l'évolution de l'arabe. They should preferably take a lead position in the trauma that the guidelines are located in the area to ensure that exceptional terms, phrases and expressions that suit the standards, pointers and systems of the Arabic language are accepted.  There must be a fashionable set of guidelines that must be followed as soon as more languages ​​are protected in bilingual dictionaries.  Monolingual dictionaries specializing in Arabic - Arabic languages ​​should be created, preferably organized by theme in order to facilitate access and ease.  Coaching in English and in translation within the international Arabic should focus on idiomaticity as well as mastery and precision. This observation lacked external validity because it turned into a totally based on a small non-random sample of Arabic speakers.  To provide statistics that are likely to be generalizable to the general public in the Arab world, studies of destiny on how English idioms are translated through the use of the Arabic audio system must contain additional inquiries into the use of 'a random sample of the general public in the Arab International.  RECOGNIZE  preferably organized by theme to facilitate access and ease.  Coaching in English and in translation within the international Arabic should focus on idiomaticity as well as mastery and precision. This observation lacked external validity because it turned into a totally based on a small non-random sample of Arabic speakers.  To provide statistics that are likely to be generalizable to the general public in the Arab world, studies of destiny on how English idioms are translated through the use of the Arabic audio system must contain additional inquiries into the use of 'a random sample of the general public in the Arab International.  RECOGNIZE  preferably organized by theme to facilitate access and ease.  Coaching in English and in translation within the international Arabic should focus on idiomaticity as well as mastery and precision. This observation lacked external validity because it turned into a totally based on a small non-random sample of Arabic speakers.  To provide statistics that are likely to be generalizable to the general public in the Arab world, studies of destiny on how English idioms are translated through the use of the Arabic audio system must contain additional inquiries into the use of 'a random sample of the general public in the Arab International.  RECOGNIZE  This observation lacked external validity because it turned into a totally based on a small non-random sample of Arabic speakers. To provide statistics that are likely to be generalizable to the general public in the Arab world, studies of destiny on how English idioms are translated through the use of the Arabic audio system must contain additional inquiries into the use of 'a random sample of the general public in the Arab International.  RECOGNIZE  This observation lacked external validity because it turned into a totally based on a small non-random sample of Arabic speakers. To provide statistics that are likely to be generalizable to the general public in the Arab world, studies of destiny on how English idioms are translated through the use of the Arabic audio system must contain additional inquiries into the use of 'a random sample of the general public in the Arab International.  RECOGNIZE

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I would like to know a great deal about the help of the following people who contributed extraordinarily to the creation of these tables.  First, I would like to express my deepest inner gratitude to my important supervisor, Dr. Dongning Feng, for his help, advice and encouragement.  His constructive criticism and helpful discussions were crucial to the entire ebook.  I might also have to thank my co-director, Professor Muhammad Abdel Haleem, for his meticulous and incisive opinions on my paintings and for his constructive grievance and frightening remarks. Very unique thanks also go to the alternative people in my study panel, Dr Mustafa Shah and Dr W Hao, for their extraordinarily useful comments and recommendations.  I am also indebted to my former manager, Dr. Defeng Li,  who, before leaving school, provided me with helpful comments and insights.  I would also like to extend my most sincere thanks to Dr Ali Darwish for his extremely useful advice on research methodology.  I would also like to thank Professor Abdul-Fattah Abu-Ssaydeh and Dr Ramzi Baalbaki for having set aside a certain amount of their precious time to make the people interviewed work for this. Their comprehensive and informed responses to the quick research interviews turned out to be rather crucial and useful to the latest conclusions of the e-book.  My thanks also go to Dr. Ibrahim Mohamed Alfaki, Director of MA TESOL Graduate Studies at King Abdulaziz University (KAU), Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, for taking the time to read the manuscript and offer useful ideas and guidelines. . This ebook would perhaps not have been visible today, if it were not for the unlimited and sincere help of Mr. Babiker Altahir Alsafi, responsible for news for Ashorooq TV, and Mr. Alwaleed Mustafa, editor-in-chief of Sudan TV, which did not maneuver facilitate the entry fee and assist in dissecting and collecting test papers from contributors, but had in addition been keen to complete the look at themselves.  Without their kind and enormous assistance, verification should not have been possible.  but had been further eager to complete the look at themselves.  Without their kind and enormous assistance, verification should not have been possible.  but had been further eager to complete the look at themselves. Without their kind and enormous assistance, verification should not have been possible.

Finally, I am particularly particularly grateful to the members of my family: my spouse Nazik, my son Ahmed and my daughter Lamar, for having tolerated that I take care of the digital book.

Cette étude se spécialise dans les problèmes de la façon dont la traduction influence la langue arabe, avec un accent particulier sur l'interprétation des idiomes anglais. L'impact de la traduction sur la langue arabe n'est pas un problème dans le plus strict plaisir de l'expression, mais plutôt un problème moderne critique pour le débat. Le mot «trouble» est par conséquent utilisé à un moment donné des études contemporaines pour signifier «difficulté» ou «sujet» dans tous les contextes comparables. Les études se positionnent d'abord et au maximum essentielles dans la difficulté de la recherche en traduction, et en particulier en particulier la traduction de l'actualité. La raison de décider du transfert des idiomes comme tracas de recherche est devenue qu'un aperçu de la littérature a révélé un savoir-faire insuffisant de cette partie intrigante de l'amélioration de la langue arabe. Bien que des recherches antérieures aient fourni quelques informations sur les tracas, les éléments qui contribuent aux effets de la traduction anglaise sur l'arabe sont difficiles à comprendre. Un petit nombre énorme de chercheurs (eG, Asfour 2007; Abu-Ssaydeh 2004; Holes 2004), basés entièrement sur des études de cas qualitatives et des observations empiriques, ont confirmé que les tendances et modifications récentes à l'intérieur de la langue arabe peuvent être attribuées en grande partie à l'effet de les média. As a result, the researcher is increasingly interested in studying the problems of translating English languages ​​into the production of information on Arab satellite television, mainly based on the perception that the impact of audiovisual media on Arabic speakers is more important without delay,  wider and more extensive than that which has been provoked or precipitated by the use of different departments of mass media, as well as print, external and digital media.  To the knowledge of the researcher, however, no previous empirical quantitative research has been done to assess the effect of the production of Arabic television news on the Arabic language. The global research question guiding this study has therefore been transformed into: How does the interpretation of English idioms into Arabic in the broadcast media (in particular television news) have an influence on the Arabic language?  The majority of the participants who provided the information for this review were television news broadcasters due to the truth that they believed they were keeping the key to providing a better understanding of the hassles of studying.  Participants were affiliated with 2 Sudanese cable TV channels;  specifically, Sudan TV and Ashorooq TV.  The gaze was also based on the understanding and experience of Arab lexicographers: The rest of this introductory chapter includes discussions on (1.2) assessing literature, (1.3) the theoretical framework, (1.4) the differences between English and Arabic, and (1.Five) evolution of language, observed through suggestions from (1.6) the statement of the problem, (1.7) the reason for the visit, (1. eight) the meaning of the study, (1.9) the restrictions of the visit, and thereafter (1.10) the form and enterprise of the observation.  1.2 Literature review This phase assesses the literature applicable to this view.  It is divided into three subsections.  The first (1.2.1) considers the location of the translation in the making of The assessments in subsection (1.2.2) have an effect on globalization on translation.  The sub-segment (1.2.3) gives the meaning of linguistic diglossia.  1.2.1 Translation inside the news Translation is an essential part of document production today.  "Global television stations now transmit statistical bulletins to hundreds of batches of people day and night, with regular updates over a 24-hour period" (Bielsa & Bassnett 2009, 10).  Bielsa & Bassnett (2009) also verify that translation inside the news is an ordinary part of a journalist's work.  Similarly, Van Doorslaer (2010, 181) states that "translation paperwork is an essential part of journalistic paintings: a complex and incorporated mixture of gathering, translating, deciding, reinterpreting, contextualizing and editing facts".  Palmer (2009, 186) stresses the importance of studying the translation of information, "because it can be considered as an articulation of discourse which produces its personal style of results, in particular the exchange of meaning which could occur because of the act of translation. " Valdeón (2012, sixty-six) argues that postindustrial society has focused on the specific price of information opportunities, and, as a result, information has proven to be quite another product than the big news agencies. information should locate for various global markets. .  Introduction Three As a mediator between languages ​​and cultures,  the translation of statistics plays a key role in facilitating the global network of dialogue and opinion, and has become important to achieve global impact and reach in media (Gutiérrez 2006; Salzerg 2008). Brook (2012) argues that translation is a cornerstone in achieving international records as a marketable product, since translation is a common practice for the collection, purchase, promotion and dissemination of global news among media stores.  News translation is a common form of language development that has been defined in special approaches.  According to Brook (2012, 38), the translation of the recordings is specific due to (a) the invisibility of each of the texts and the sellers concerned, and (b) its placement in the class of "open" or "reshaped translations ", which is vaguely understood as any verbal, visual or auditory textual content in all other languages, it is adapted to a whole new readership, explicitly in line with ideological motives mediated by the use of editors.  Bassnett (2006, 6) considers the way in which the translation of the recordings is no longer strictly [dependent] on the interlinguistic transfer of text A in text B, but [also requiring] the unconventional rewriting and synthesis of text A for harbor a totally exceptional set of expectations from the target market. ” Williams and Chesterman (2002, 1) argue that what the authors of multilingual documents produce "can be very much regarded as a type of conventional perception of a translation as being a text in a single language which is produced at the idea of 'textual content in some other language for a specific purpose'.  Brook (2012,  36–37) further argues that “direct transfer between the languages ​​of supply and the target languages ​​is generally not considered a key characteristic of the production of international facts, this is written for an English-speaking readership . This is that this media translation device outside the unique branches of the translation profession and, from a non-expert rather than an attitude of educational study, is probably to explain the main objective for which many new multilingual books do not immediately remember proper translation to be part of their professional position.  Brook (2012, 40) provides a definition that he believes most adequately represents the pass paradigm commonly known as "news translation" as follows:  to be used by new books in the production of news reviews in a other language ". Brook further explains that it is the attention of the retailers involved and the many resources, often unwritten, that distinguish "document translation" from separate branches of the profession.  The concerned sellers are the new books concerned with the production of world news rather than the expert translators.  4 Chapter One Holland (2013, 336–41) highlights some of the constraints affecting data translation.  These are time constraints, strengths, language constraints and the ubiquity of English as an international language.  The pressure of time is due to the market nature of capitalist society in which the different media compete to launch information quickly, is by far perceived to be relevant to the target market.  Furthermore, not all news media now have the same goods;  some can count on correspondents while others can also connect to information threads.  In addition, exceptional crops have a convention among types, so information producers must keep in mind what is appropriate in the tradition of objectives.  The omnipresence of English is particularly relevant in the production of news, because the data feeds are more and more produced in English for an international market, then adapted to a close public. Bassnett (2006) and Bielsa (2007) argue that many of those engaged in news translation do not even see themselves as translators, but rather as journalists.  Editors, who mechanically translate from different languages, despite the fact that they are not language specialists (Gambier 2010,  16), no longer view their paintings as a translational pastime (Holland 2013, 337–38 ).  In fact, for the masses of day journalists present, translation is a two-priced hobby, supplemented by new books as part of news writing (Gambier 2010, sixteen), often invisibly (Valdeón 2010, 157). Brook (2012, forty) argues that neither fact firms nor newspapers regard themselves as translation institutions as understood by some current researchers in the field of translation studies.  They further contend that translation is included in news organizations as part of journalistic writing and editing obligations, and that texts are translated by journalists who generally no longer have specific training as translators .  Venuti (1995) argues that translation is invisible in the international media, as it is another place, due to reality, it is by far included in different functions and overshadowed by more prestigious capabilities. This explains why multilingual Arab journalists may not have specific training in translation as such, even though they are frequently experts in information translation, being able to produce fast and reliable translations on a considerable type of subject. may be covered by the journalistic media (Bielsa & Bassnett 2009).  The contemporary researcher shares the same opinion with these arguments and firmly believes that they retain true authenticity regarding satellite television for portable television stations.  Translation into satellite television for PC television to portable television stations, such as in fact groups and newspapers is not designed to release the journalistic responsibilities of writing and editing.  The basic skills required for a BBC Arabic broadcast journalist procedure include the ability to write, adapt and translate with precision, clarity and style appropriate to different audiences and varieties of media.  Applicants for the positions of BBC Arab journalist are required to participate in assessment exams, which include an introductory session on translation from English to Arabic, in addition to a writing exercise. information and an exercise in Arabic grammar.  No academic qualification in translation is required. A variety of students argue that information translation is a largely under-researched area.  Palmer (2009, 186), for example, argues that there are various studies on the language of data,  however a maximum of them in large element ignore the location of the translation in the fabrication of the facts.  Brook (2012) suggests that the requirements governing translation strategies in the making of international news have obtained a limited hobby from researchers, most likely due to the fact that these techniques are not aligned with traditional theories of the translation. Bani (2006) argues that translation has historically played a historic role in the international media, despite its essential function in facilitating the flow of global information.  Schäơner (2004, 100 and 20) also derives his hobby from the absence of translation studies in the evaluation of political textual content.  She clarified that the translated information must be disseminated across linguistic borders,  and that reactions in unmarried United States to statements made in distant places "are certainly reactions to the information because it is provided in translation". Bielsa and Bassnett (2009, sixty-sixty-three) point out that "news translation strategies, a subject that has rarely been addressed in translation research, are rare".  They point out that the last contributions to investigate consist in particular of sums due (García Suárez 2005; Hursti 2001; Tsai 2005; Vidal 2005), and that there may be a desire to systematically indicate the results of modern translation practices in many organizations.  Darwish (2005) further argues that, whatever its critical role in document creation, little research has been done on the results of information translated into other languages, particularly Arabic. The main guides (which includes one hundred and fifteen books) in the media and translation research have left this place aside.  Darwish (2005) and Clausen (2003) are most relevant to the importation of the language through information.  In addition, an investigation of more than 370 codes of ethics and codes of practice adopted through unique media stores suggests a loss of interest in translation.  With the exception of the code of ethics adopted by the Press Foundation of Asia (enshrined in the Principles on Reporting Ethnic Tensions, which evolved from a nine United States journalism conference held in Davao City, Philippines in 1970), none of the codes surveyed highlighted translation as an essential element in guaranteeing Furthermore,  today, none of the fifty-one founding member states of the United Nations cites translation in the codes of ethics of their media and their journalism.  This loss of interest in translation further confirms that the function it fulfills in the production of national and world news is considerably underestimated.  The effect of translating statistics is considerably under-studied, presenting a motif and a route for the contemporary.

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